Tuesday, February 23, 2010

beautiful mind 2002

Director: Ron Howard


Released: 2002

I'm comparing my movie to Beautiful Mind. In the movie(Beautiful Mind) the main charater lost his mind. He got carried away doing something that he thought he loved, and in Citizen Kane he got carried away with money and end up in the end very unhappy and lonely. In Beautiful Mind the main charater got so obessed with math that he ended up in the end very unhappy and lonely because he also lost his wife. (just like) In Citizen Kane he lost his wife because he was obsessed with money. How I thought the movie had a lot of verisimilitude was because it was realistic and had "down to earth" problems such as in the movie Beautiful Mind he had skitzophernia and he would have an friend that no one else can see and in Citizen Kane he was obsessed with his money which happens to some people once they get money.