Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tommy Boy (1995)

The movie "The Graduate" reminds me of the movie "Tommy Boy". In the Graduate, Ben comes home too his parents after graduating from college, but he's worried because he doesn't know what to do with his life now. It's almost the same situation for Tommy, he comes home from barely graduating college (he did it but barely), but unlike Ben, he already has a life planned for him, taking over his fathers business. In the movie Tommy Boy, the turning point is when at his father passes away at his own wedding and they need to find out something to do to save the company. The mise-en-scene that compares to eachother is when Ben just floats around in his pool to relax him, you only see him and the pool with a little bit of the backyard. In Tommy Boy he's floating around on a boat in the middle of a lake with only him, the boat, the water, and a little bit of trees in the backround.