Thursday, March 11, 2010


A movie that reminds me of multis falcon is Takein because he is trying to find who toke his dughter but its in another counrty an he has little to try to find her. In Multis Falcon he is tryin to find the guy who killed his partner an a mltis falcon. In the movie there is mystery an types of things like that. An in the movie taken were e see's his duaghter they are biting on who want to buy her virginity in that part they got lighting to make it look like a mystery.
The movie event kicks off by his duaghter goin to a differnt counrty. To take a vaction with her best friend.
Other moviesthis dicroter made is the movie The Transporter. Another movie that is about trying to find who did it.
Yea i would recamond this movie to every one who has'nt seen it. Because it is a very good movie it gots mysterys an some action.