Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ghost World

Year: 2001

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Director: Terry Zwigoff

Screenwriter: Daniel Clowes

Starring: Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson, Steve Buscemi

Two reasons I would recommend this film are 1) it is engaging, hilarious, and at the same time portrays an in-depth and realistic study of it's characters. And 2) the main character Enid (Thora Birch) is highly relate-able as a young person who has just graduated from high school and has no idea what to do with her life and her new found independence.

Two questions:

This movie is based on a comic created by Daniel Clowes, who is also the screenwriter for the film. Do you think films based on books are generally better when the original author has a prominent role in the production of the movie?

This movie was also one of Scarlett Johansson's first starring roles before she became an A-list celebrity. Do you think good actors have always been good actors or does their actoring get better over time and with more experience? What are some examples of this?