Thursday, April 30, 2009


So there is a whole controversy about the movie 300 and the contry of Iran. My first thoughts are, why was Iran the only country to speak out? not Pakistan, Afghanistan or Beloochistan eh? Was this just a cry of "please pity us, so we can make your country sound bad?" or just stupid?

I can see where they could find that this movie was demeaning and degrading to their country and their ancestors. Mostly because they probably didnt know that this movie was based off of a COMIC BOOK!!!

In my opinion, all the filmdirector was doing was portraying the Spartans and Persians as the comic book portrayed them.

In your opinion, If we weren't at war with the middle east, do you think that they would have made such a big deal about it?

Also, Do you think it is fair for the Iranians to blame the united states for trying to show our superiority to them... even though it is the Greeks fighting the Persians, not Americans?