Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

Okay, you've heard me rave about Eternal Sunshine... and now you've seen it. What film studies connections can you make? In your first blog post, tell me about a movie that Eternal Sunshine... reminded you of and how. Include a picture and make sure you put the name of the film (and year) as your post's title. In your paragraph, make a connection to either one of the week's vocab words and/or the genre of film we're focusing on: director, screenwriter, producer, production designer, or romance. Read the paragraph below for an example reaction from yours truly.

Wow. Michel Gondry, the director of
Eternal Sunshine..., really knocked me out of my seat. His vision of the main character Joel's dreamworld was wild and fun, but also realistic how many of his memories were connected and he'd often jump from one to the next. In fact, the only other romance movie I can think of with such a strange yet enjoyable vibe to it is Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands, which I just watched again recently. If you haven't seen it, check it out, because it literally is about a guy with scissors with hands, played by Johnny Depp, who falls in love with a girl. The world that Burton creates in that movie is just as crazy and unique as Gondry's in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but it's also a little darker, and fits a lot more into the fantasy genre. Both are great examples of one-of-a-kind love stories though!