Thursday, March 4, 2010

Four Brothers

*plot tease- the plot tease in Four Brothers was the boys mother gets killed by a gangster and they all have to come together to bury their mother after a few years of being apart and them doing their own things. They go on a hunt to find their mothers killer and kill everyone who was involved in her murder.

*cast and crew backtrack- Mark Wahlberg and Tyrese Gibson stared in many other crime dramas like Tyrese Gibson in Waist deep where his son gets kidnapped and he goes lookin for him. Lovely bones (Mark Wahlberg) was about Marks characters daughter get murdered and he is investigating her murder and trying to find her killer.

*opinion focus- Mark Wahlberg was a antihero in Four Brothers because he did some bad things but he was also doing something good like getting revenge for his mother. He also was using the alienation effect in alot of the scenes. Garrett Hedlund's character was a very method actor.

(Jhon Singleton)

*final thought- i would recommend this movie to anyone i see 100% it was a really great movie so was Good Fellas i had a really fun time watching it both movies had a lot of verisimilitude thats what made them so great