Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Godfather (1972)

The main character of the movie is Al Pacino as Michael, Don Vito Corleone's son. The secondary characters of this film that are more of major characters are Don Vito Corleone played by Marlon Brando, and Santino Corleone played by James Cann. There are many more actors and actresses in the movie but there are just to many to list. The inciting incident of the movie is when the Godfather turns down another dons offering to move drugs into the city for a cut of the money, the other don orders hit men to take him out and he barely survives which causes his son Michael, who wanted to be on the straight and narrow path, to retaliate for his family.

A supporting actress in this film is Kay Adams Corleone played by Diane Keaton (she marries Michael Corleone), screenwriters are Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola. The director of the film is Francis Ford Coppola. This differed for him from Godfather part 2 which he helped produce.

For one of the Characters, Don Vito Corleone, he seemed like he was doing a lot of method acting in the film. He makes you believe he really is the head of the family and makes you think that you would not want to be on his bad side. but he does get a little over the edge in the beginning and different parts of the movie.

I would recommend seeing this movie, its a classic and everyones gotta see the Godfather eventually. It definately reminds me of the movie Goodfellas, its practically about the same thing just from a made mans perspective instead of just a worker in the mafia's point of view. I was reminded of the Godfather after watching the film Goodfellas because there was just so much violence in both of the movies its practically what its about.

director: Francis Ford Copolla