Director: Andrew Davis, 2003
The inciting incident in Holes is when Stanley gets in trouble for stolen shoes. He goes to court and has to go to a "camp" to dig holes in the desert for an undisclosed reason.
Actors: Shia Labeouf, Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Tim Blake Nelson
Shia Labeouf is also in a movie called Disturbia. This film is related because in both movies Shia is in legal trouble but saves the day when he figures out that something is wrong.
Holes compares to the Maltese Falcon because the movies are both very decitful. Stanley gets framed for stealing some shoes and has to go to a work camp. The dudes in Maltese Falcon are decived because they get the wrong falcon...nooooo.
I would not recommend Maltese Falcon unless your old and want flasbacks of how dull and boring your life used be. If you like an absolutly pointless plot then go for this movie. Holes is a good movie for younger people. Theres no profanity but keeps your interest.