Thursday, March 3, 2011

American Gangster

American Gangster is a true story about a big time druglord Frank Lucas (denzel Washington) a dective was working to get him the movie takes start in Brooklyn. My opion of this movie is that they did a good job of first getting alll the info and making the movie as close as they can to the true story. Denzel actually does a good job of acting like frank lucas and the director did a good job of giving us an idea of what the drug lords go threw and how they became a Big boss in the game.

They also did a good job at setting the tone of the movie and making it dark and also even though the movie was long they kept you into it and wanting to watch the movie till the end of it. The plot also kept me guessing on if he was ever going to get caught and if he did was he going to go in for life or would he get out years later.
Director- Ridley Scott
Screenwriters-Steven Zallian, Mark Jacobson
Stars -Denzel Washington , Russel Crowe, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Genre-Crime, Drama (2007)