Franklin Hatchett (Chris Tucker), a carwash hustler who accidentally took part in escaping a prison vehicle, and James Russell (Charlie Sheen), a news repoter who just got fired, are trying to help each other out in life after some problems. The two rampage throughout the city to try and clear Hatchett's name. Russell's name gets involved and spreads all over the news. the process of trying to clear both their names. Hatchett and Russell has to avoid cops, but 1 cop wants more then just to catch Hatchett..
I really enjoyed this movie. i liked it because.... well i like Chris Tucker in general! In almost every movie he's in, he's always happy most of the time. throughtout "Money Talks" even though he is in deep stuff, you see him smiling at the things he goes through, but he is always trying to find a way to clear his name. He just gives the storyline a comedic touch.
directed by Brett Ratner
Chris Tucker
Charlie Sheen