Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tron Legacy

Tron Legacy

War, Action/Adventure,SiFi,Fantasy

Joseph Kosinski

Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz

Jeff Bridges, Garret Hedlund, Olivia Wilde.

In the movie the son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his fathers creation turned bad and a unique ally who was born inside the digital domain of the grid. When sam (Garret Hedlund) was little his father first started to create the grid. He always wanted to go in and see it but his father never let him. Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) owned a game arcade, everybody knew about it everyone went there, and the most played game there was TRON LEGACY located in the back of the arcade. Years went past and he ended up shutting it down for good, one day he dropped sam off at his grandparents home and told his he will be back, he never did. More years went past and sam grew older, got his own house, his own car, everything he needed to survive. One day one of (Jeff bridges) Kevin flynn's work partners showed up to sam's house and gave him a key. Sam took it and went down to the old arcade and looked at the TRON LEGACY game. It had scrtach marks on the floor in a round motion like it had been moved. Sam push it in the motion the scratches were in. Sam soon found out it was a hiden room back behind the game. Sam didnt relize that it was a gateway to the grid until he looked at the actual written grid. He did some messing with some buttons and papers and stuff and got transported into the grid, and thats where the story begines...

My opinion on the movie is that it was good. like it had a great beginning middle and end to it. the story line was phonominal the acting was fantastic everything was perfect. The camparison between this movie and a war movie is that they both fight to win for something just like a real war they all wear uniforms to show who they are fighting for.